
Sitespecifik wallpaper for Marielund, a Social Psychiatric Living facility.

Photo: Lisa Rogersdotter

Photo: Lisa Rogersdotter

Wallpaper with positive messages at Marielund, 2023

Pictures below from recidents ideating and prototyping, process pictures of scale models and the creations of a collective moodboard.  ︎︎︎

A Social Psychiatric Living facilities is a place where people struggling with psychiatric diagnoses, live and gets care, but it is also a home.
Therefore is the project ‘CoCreating a sense of home’ a project with the aim to create ownership and support well-being by a Co-Created wallpaper with positive messages, located in the common room ‘Drømmenes Café’.

Pictures from workshops and creativeideation, including participants ceoncept viszualised into a scale model. 

Pictures from my pattern development proces, working on visualizing the participants ideas and concept into design elements.

Sketches in ink and colour collage.

Model photo 1:20, design in context.